Inquiry of deliveryInquiry of delivery
91,11 0,73
100,50 0,59
12,70 0,07
63,50 0,18
Date: 11.09.2024



Moscow +7 (499) 677-16-**
Vladivostok +7 (423) 267-07-** 

International (multimodal) cargo transportation

International transportation represents a combination of several types of transport and allows delivering cargoes in the most remote and remote points of the world. Transshipment terminals where cargo is overloaded from one type of transport on another also are involved in this process. The organization of international transportation — the difficult and responsible problem demanding, on the one hand, the accurate organization and a coordination of actions of all participants of transport process, and with another — knowledge of the Russian and international market and standards of transportations, specificity of ports of the world, interaction of various transport companies.

The international transportations are carried out in a following order:

  • Estimation of characteristics of object of delivery and discussion of a way of its transportation (automobile, cargo, railway).
  • Working out of a route of the international transportation.
  • Contract Conclusion on international transportation of cargoes.
  • Registration of the order for transportation (the client fills the demand form not later than 10 days prior to sending).
  • Decision of questions on delivery (for example, transportation of bulky goods includes calculation of throughput of roads, transport equipment by special signs etc.).
  • Official registration of papers on the international transportations (service includes drawing up of schemes and drawings of loading with the subsequent coordination with the client).
  • Work on the organization of cargo handling operations (the carrier supervises integrity of object and observance of treaty provisions on which basis the international or other transport is given).
  • Vehicle Sending.
  • Estimation of characteristics of object of delivery and discussion of a way of its transportation (automobile, cargo, railway).
  • Working out of a route of the international transportation.
  • Contract Conclusion on international transportation of cargoes.
  • Registration of the order for transportation (the client fills the demand form not later than 10 days prior to sending).
  • Decision of questions on delivery (for example, transportation of bulky goods includes calculation of throughput of roads, transport equipment by special signs etc.).
  • Official registration of papers on the international transportations (service includes drawing up of schemes and drawings of loading with the subsequent coordination with the client).
  • Work on the organization of cargo handling operations (the carrier supervises integrity of object and observance of treaty provisions on which basis the international or other transport is given).
  • Vehicle Sending.

Reception, processing and overload of cargoes in the course of multimodal transportations is carried out as: in the Russian seaports (Vladivostok, East, the Find, St.-Petersburg, etc.), and the Chinese seaports Qingdao, Yantian (Shenzhen), Chiwan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Xingang (Tianjin), Xiamen, Guangzhou, Huangpu, Hong Kong, Dalian, Nanjing, ports of Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia, etc. the Subsequent deliveries at the mixed transportation of cargoes to a door of the client are carried out automobile and by rail.

Inquiry of delivery



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